There are some days where I just need an afternoon boost. You know the kind? The kind that takes you all the way to wriggling six kiddos to bed. Sometimes it means adding in a dose of caffeine boosting espresso for a dirty chai, but either way sipping the warm comfort of this wholesome chai tea recipe with essential oils gives me just the boost I need.

You all may or may not be completely aware of my love affair with chai tea.
Especially, a freshly frothed hot cup with a swirling dollop of whipped cream from Starbucks (it’s basically my go-to drink unless I’m feeling extra adventurous because I know I love it… and strangely it just feels like home.)
Lately, while I still love a great cup of coffee or made-to-order chai tea, I’m also focusing on my health and the health of my family. After hearing of chai tea made with only health-boosting ingredients like cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger essential oils, I knew I wanted to try this chai tea recipe with essential oils!
The result is smooth, delicious, and although different from a classic java-cafe style frothy drink, I don’t mind the difference, especially knowing that each sip is making my insides happy.
Of course, I had to mix it up a little and decided to make some coffee ice cubes to create a dirty iced chai… and woah, that was really good!
For a hot dirty chai tea recipe, just add in a shot of espresso, pulling a shot from a home espresso machine (this is the one I’m currently using and loving – so easy!) or using instant espresso – both work!
And if you still want that frothed goodness, oatmilk froths up amazingly in a frother (I LOVE this one!) – and this way you can even skip the stovetop step.
I’m just going to go ahead and use the benefits of coffee to say that it makes the drink that much healthier, instead of the opposite, because I’m sure it could totally go both ways.

To get your own oils at a 10% discount, use code FRESHMOMMY at Spark Naturals!
Oils used in this Chai Tea recipe with Essential Oils:

Wholesome Chai Tea with Essential Oils
- 6 Cups Almond Milk or Oatmilk (if frothing, I prefer Oatmilk)
- 5-6 Tbs Honey
- 2-3 Tbs Vanilla
- 1 Drop Spark Naturals Cinnamon Essential Oil
- 1 Drop Spark Naturals Cardamom or Clove Essential Oil
- 1 Drop Spark Naturals Ginger Essential Oil
In a saucepan or pot, heat milk, and honey over medium heat.
Add in vanilla.
Carefully add in essential oils (I would place each drop into a spoon first and mix in, so that you don't accidentally add too much to the pot)
When heated through and mixed thoroughly, serve and enjoy.
Optional: If using a frother, stir in essential oils after frothing.
Optional: If creating a dirty chai, pour mixture over ice once cooled and add a shot of espresso.
Can refrigerate for up to 6 days.
A word on using essential oils internally: I’m only an advocate for using essential oils internally when using very high quality, pharma-grade essential oils. I’m confident using oils in our recipes because we use Spark Naturals. Their 100% pure oils are not processed, diluted, or manipulated in any way with solvents or other additives. I don’t suggest using other oils for ingestion because I don’t know of their purity. However, essential oils are VERY potent, and especially when using “hot” oils like cinnamon, make sure they are well diluted and don’t overuse. I also usually drink a cup of green tea and love to add a drop of Peppermint to my tea, although again, it’s one drop so that I’ll benefit from the health properties of the oil while not over-using it. This is my personal opinion and not the advice of a health care professional. Please use caution and avoid using oil for consumption if you’re not confident in the purity or the process.
Tonya says
do you use sweetened almond milk or unsweet?
Tabitha Blue says
You could use either! My fave is unsweetened vanilla almond milk.
Tabitha Wolters says
OH…Tabitha! This recipe is amazing! I am working on healing my gut (leaky gut syndrome here!) so am eliminating sugar. Doing research, I found that ginger, cinnamon, and cloves are great for gut healing so immediately I thought of chai tea (my favorite too!) You came up on my quick google search, to my absolute delight! I just made it…sooooo good! It will be a wonderful coffee creamer as well (I’m allowing myself one cup of coffee per morning). Thank you!! 🙂 From one Tabitha to another!
Tabitha Blue says
Hi Tabitha!!!! Thank you so much for leaving this comment… your words brightened my day! Wishing you the best on your journey for a healthy gut, and I’m so glad this helps!! 🙂
Amy says
What are the brown, resin looking objects in the drink?
Tabitha Blue says
Those are coffee ice cubes!!! Just brew coffee and freeze in an ice cube tray! 🙂 Add to your chai to make a dirty iced chai.
PL says
Is there no tea in this chai? Because then it’s not really chai (tea), is it? Or did I miss something in the recipe or directions? Thanks.