Here are 6 simple and easy Essential Oils and Homemade Essential Oil Blends for Postpartum Care that you didn’t know you needed! Mix them up and have them packed up in your go-bag, you’ll be glad you did!
We’ve got our hospital bag packed, the baby’s diaper bag all ready and waiting and we’ve had not one, but TWO false starts this week. With that said, our hospital bag, along with all the goodies we’re toting in it, has been ready and riding around in the car with us! Today I’m taking a minute to share what I’ve packed in my bag for taking care of me AND baby in the hospital and a few essential oils for postpartum care that you didn’t even know you needed. Some of these items will just be to help you along, and some items are to replace other things you may have used previously.
Spark Naturals is the brand of essential oils that I personally use and love as they are 100% pure and tested at each step of the process. Use code FRESHMOMMY for 10% off!
Table of Contents
Postpartum Soothing Spray
You will need:
Witch Hazel (antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, oil-balancing, moisturizing, and a natural astringent)
Aloe Vera (often referred to as nature’s miracle plant… helps on contact to hydrate, heal, and repair skin)
Frankincense Essential Oil (helps to heal any tears, broken skin and irritation; it also prevents scarring)
Clary Sage Essential Oil (is an effective anti-fungal, helps to re-tone the area and also relieves pain and cramping)
Lavender Essential Oil (calms swelling or inflammation of the skin, supports regeneration)
Geranium Essential Oil (helps heal broken capillaries, conditions skin)
–Small Spray Bottle (great for products that need to be applied by misting)
What to Do
Simply fill the spray bottle halfway with witch hazel, then add 5-10 drops of each essential oil. Add in about 4 tablespoons of aloe vera (OPTIONAL) and top off with witch hazel until full. Shake to combine the ingredients together in the spray bottle. Once you’re ready to use post-baby, keeping it refrigerated will help to increase the “cooling relief” of the aloe and makes it even more refreshing.
Another use is to use the mixture to create “padsicles” by spraying down feminine pads until damp (not soaked), then rewrap pads and store in the freezer until needed. The combination of witch hazel, essential oils, and the cooling effect is a lethal pain-relieving combination!
The witch hazel acts as a toner on the swollen area (it’s also the main, active ingredient in Tucks pads, which were always a lifesaver for me… this is my natural alternative as Tucks doesn’t use a pure/organic form of witch hazel). The aloe vera soothes and relieves further swelling and discomfort. And of course, the oils do all kinds of their own work as mentioned above.
Essential Oil Pain Relief Roller Bottle
You will need:
Lavender Essential Oil (Analgesic, Antiseptic, Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Antiparasitic, and much more.)
White Fir Essential Oil (Used for tense muscles, fever, chills, coughs, and help with the body’s natural defense system.)
Fractionated Coconut Oil (Fractionated Coconut Oil is broken down to smaller molecules, whereas unrefined coconut oil is not. Many people love Fractionated Coconut Oil due to the fact that is is always liquid and it has a nearly indefinite shelf life.)
What to Do
Fill the roller bottle about three-quarters full with the essential oils and top off with fractionated coconut oil. You don’t have to dilute, but I prefer to when making roller bottles. Just apply a directly to the abdomen for post-contractions and pain. These are both very gentle oils so if your baby touches your belly, these oils won’t be too harsh for the baby’s tender skin.
Post contractions are inevitable and it’s commonly accepted that they intensify after each delivery or subsequent pregnancy. Your uterus has grown and expanded for the past nine months, and so for the next 4-6 weeks postpartum, you’ll feel it contracting back down to its normal size. Many times it’s more intense during breastfeeding as well, so keep this roller handy for relief!

Essential Oil Nipple Cream
You will need:
Base Salve (100% Pure Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Beeswax, Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oil & Vitamin E)
What to Do
Scoop base salve into the small container until almost full, add in 5-10 drops of essential oil, and mix well. Roman Chamomile oil is said to work best with emotions, nervous system and skin and has a very therapeutic, calming effect on the skin. This oil is also antibiotic and anti-inflammatory in nature which is great for the sensitive nipple area during those first few weeks of nursing when issues like pain, tenderness, dryness, etc can arise. Plus with this, there’s no need to wash off the area before breastfeeding (I would use after feeding to soothe nipple area and then it will be well absorbed by time to nurse again).
Baby Massage Oil
You will need:
Empty Essential Oil Bottle or Dropper Bottle
What to Do
Add 10 drops of each essential oil to dropper bottle and then fill with fractionated coconut oil. The healing properties of all the oils are so great, soothing and calming for babies skin. Perfect for baby massage, after-bath moisturizer, great for dropping on the umbilical cord at diaper changing, using as a diaper “cream” during diaper changes, etc. The frankincense is also a very grounding and stabilizing oil, which is why it has been used for centuries to “anoint” the babies head after the trauma of delivery.
Labor Massage Oil
You will need:
15 Drops Clary Sage Essential Oil
10 Drops Lavender Essential Oil
5 Drops Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Empty Essential Oil Bottle or Dropper Bottle
What to Do
Add essential oils to dropper bottle and top with fractionated coconut oil. Clary Sage is an oil to avoid during pregnancy, but when it’s time for labor, this oil can release oxytocin in the brain and help to trigger and stimulate contractions. The Lavender helps to ease tension and anxiety while Ylang Ylang oil produces a calm and uplifting atmosphere. The combination of these oils rubbed on your abdomen and back during labor will help to calm you while keeping contractions going and stimulated. You can even replace the Lavender or Ylang Ylang with other oils that are calming if you prefer. Mix this one up and save it for those signs of labor starting!

Jet Lag Diffuser Blend
You will need:
What to Do
You can premix this diffuser blend by adding equal drops of each oil to a dropper bottle or have the individual oils with you to drop in the diffuser. This is one of my personal all-time favorite blends because it’s really refreshing, uplifting, and invigorating while still calming the nerves. I call it my jet-lag blend, so what better blend to take and have on hand for labor?! You can find a list of some other great diffuser blends here as well. 🙂
A couple of extras I have with me is our DIY essential oil sanitizing spray (I use it on everything… hands, tables, handles, phones, etc!) and an Immune Boosting roller bottle made with fractionated coconut oil and Shield Blend Essential Oil to use on our feet.

Hopefully, these essential oils for postpartum care help get your bag ready to go in a natural and helpful way! Do you have essential oils that you’ve used for labor or postpartum care? Feel free to share, we’d all love to hear more. And good luck mama!
Disclaimer time: always consult with your healthcare provider before using this or any treatment we suggest.
Audrey says
For the postpartum spray… you don’t mention the size of the spray bottle (which is important if you fill it half way with witch hazel) Thanks!
Tabitha Blue says
Hi Audrey, great point! I use a 2oz spray bottle!
Kristi says
Why do all the links go to Sparks Natural?
Tabitha Blue says
That’s where I get all of the oils I use! You can use whatever oils you’d like or whatever brand you’d like 🙂
Laura says
Hi Tabitha!
Can you recommend a blend for baby blues. I had it with my first pregnancy and would love to try and avoid it with my second naturally, if possible. I love the other blends you recommended. Thank you
Tabitha Blue says
There are a few blends you can make to diffuse and even rub on the soles of your feet daily…
1 – Mix in equal parts (drops): Bergamot + Grapefruit + Clary Sage + Wild Orange + Frankincense
2 – Mix 3 parts (drops) Grapefruit with 1 part (1 drop each) Lavender + Ylang Ylang or Clary Sage
You can also try adding in a drop or Basil to each as it helps balance neurotransmitters. Hope this helps!!
Giovanna Nikita says
hello, do you need any carrier oils for the baby blues recipe or just essential oil mix is enough?
Tabitha Blue says
Hi there! When diffusing, you don’t need a carrier oil, but if you’re applying to your skin, you always want to use a carrier oil. 🙂
Arturo says
Hi there! Such a nice post, thank you!
Tabitha Blue says
Thanks so much!
Tehya says
Hi for the soothing spray do you use distilled or undistilled with hazel? I don’t want to buy the wrong one, thankyou in advance
Tabitha Blue says
Typically use distilled, but either way, the most important thing when choosing witch hazel is to avoid any brands that have alcohol in them!
Jacky says
Hello, I love all your wonderful advise but do have one tiny comment about using peppermint oil during postpartum. Peppermint is known to have a negative effect on breastmilk production so should be used with care if breastmilk production is not optimum or still being stimulated. says
I think you can find more information here.
Essential Oils for Postpartum Care | Wellness | Fresh Mommy Blog