Welcome to FreshMommy! I’m Tabitha… Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Aunt, Niece, Chef, Laundromat, Teacher, Boo-boo Kisser, Photographer… and I’m sure I’ve got more titles in there somewhere. And you know what? I love it! Don’t tell anyone. My favorite…
Breakfast… Fun and Colorful?? Oh Yeah!
Well it seems that many in blog-land are jumping into the groove of using muffin tins for everything… so I thought I would too!! We made a yummy, fun, colorful… oh yeah, and healthy breakfast served in a muffin tin!!!…
I Let My 22-month Old Paint My House!
Baby Blue, my 22 month-old daughter had a super fun, full of laughs, giggly, smiley, happy, messy time painting my house all the wonderful colorful shades of the rainbow! It first started out as six colors and as time went…
A Crazy Little Thing Called… Peas???
Ahhh, peas. A healthful vegetable (well, considered a vegetable, it’s from the pod of a legume and botanically a fruit). Nonetheless, it’s little, round squishy goodness. I’m sure my daughter thinks so. She likes peas… to her grandfathers dismay, for…
My Bubbly Fun Day!
This was my day… well, not all of it. It only covered about 10 minutes of my day. Though the squeals and giggles of excitement seemed to fill the day. Yes, the squeals and giggles are Aliyah. Well… mostly. I…
On The Road And Home Again!
It’s amazing… at the very moment I’m sitting here (late, dark and rainy outside… I mean, really rainy with the whole lightning, thunder and street flooding), it’s a beautiful sunny day somewhere else. Hawaii, for example. 6 hours behind me…